
Endangered Listing For Lizard Could Slow Drilling In New Mexico, W. Texas

"Federal wildlife officials declared a rare lizard in southeastern New Mexico and West Texas an endangered species Friday, citing future energy development, sand mining and climate change as the biggest threats to its survival in one of the world’s most lucrative oil and natural gas basins."

Source: AP, 05/20/2024

Swallow, Swift And House Martin Populations Have Nearly Halved: UK Survey

"Swallows, swifts and house martins were once a common sight over UK towns and cities, dextrously catching insects on the wing. But these spring and summer visitors are becoming increasingly rare, according to the definitive survey of the country’s birds."

Source: Guardian, 05/17/2024

Scientists Are Learning The Basic Building Blocks Of Sperm Whale Language

"Scientists studying the sperm whales that live around the Caribbean island of Dominica have described for the first time the basic elements of how they might be talking to each other, in an effort that could one day help better protect them."

Source: AP, 05/08/2024


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