
"Washington State Denies Sublease For Coal Export Terminal"

"Washington's outgoing public lands commissioner said Tuesday he is refusing to allow the state's aquatic lands to be used for a major coal-export terminal along the Columbia River. But the company behind the proposal insisted the decision would have no effect on its plans."

Source: AP, 01/06/2017

Senate Clears Water Bill With Flint Aid, Disputed California Rider

"After a weeklong battle over last-minute policy riders, the Senate passed a major water bill in the early morning hours Saturday that includes emergency aid for Flint, Mich., and drought relief for California."

Source: The Hill, 12/12/2016

Will a New Broom Sweep Enviro-Energy Policy Clean? Tracking the Trump To-Do List

In the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential upset, U.S. environmental and energy policy may undergo dramatic change. SEJournal Online has prepared a reporter’s watchlist of 12 stories with local angles and broad impact, ranging from fossil fuels to renewables, clean air to clean water, and infrastructure to public lands. Read on.

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