
"Rising Waters Are Drowning Amtrak's Northeast Corridor"

"By the middle of this century, climate change is likely to punch a hole through the busiest stretch of rail in North America. Parts of Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor route, which carries 12 million people each year between Boston and Washington, face “continual inundation.”"

Source: Bloomberg, 12/21/2018

"California Requires New City Buses to Be Electric by 2029"

"California on Friday became the first state to mandate a full shift to electric buses on public transit routes, flexing its muscle as the nation’s leading environmental regulator and bringing battery-powered, heavy-duty vehicles a step closer to the mainstream."

Source: NY Times, 12/18/2018

Oil Industry’s Covert Campaign to Rewrite American Car Emissions Rules

"When the Trump administration laid out a plan this year that would eventually allow cars to emit more pollution, automakers, the obvious winners from the proposal, balked. The changes, they said, went too far even for them. But it turns out that there was a hidden beneficiary of the plan that was pushing for the changes all along: the nation’s oil industry."

Source: NY Times, 12/14/2018

Schumer, Pelosi Want Climate-Change Measures In Infrastructure Deal

"Democratic congressional leaders are insisting that any deal cut with President Trump on legislation to rebuild the nation’s ailing infrastructure include provisions intended to promote clean energy and combat climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 12/10/2018

Incoming House Democrat Committee Chairs Promise News

​What will a divided Congress mean for environment and energy issues? This week’s TipSheet explores the question by looking at the Democrats who will now lead key House committees once the new Congress is seated next year. Take a lightning tour of a half-dozen top panels, their anticipated leadership and the issues they tackle, including drinking water safety, environmental justice and climate change, infrastructure, science policy, natural resources and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Trump Car Standards Rollback Knocked for Faulty Analysis"

"Flaws in Trump administration modeling inflate the benefits of freezing federal fuel economy standards by hundreds of billions of dollars, some automakers, economists, former EPA staff, and environmental groups say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/05/2018

"Trump Administration Wants Phase-In Of U.N. Rules On Maritime Fuel"

"The Trump administration wants pollution limits on ship fuels that a United Nations maritime agency will implement in 2020 to be phased in to protect consumers from any price spikes in heating and trucking fuels, a White House spokesman said on Friday."

Source: Reuters, 10/22/2018


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