
Whistleblower Alleges Facebook Misled Investors About Climate

"Legal experts called the filings a ‘creative’ approach to holding the tech giant accountable for misinformation"

"A pair of whistleblower complaints filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission this month allege Facebook misled investors about its efforts to combat climate change and covid-19 misinformation, according to redacted copies of the documents viewed by The Washington Post.

Source: Washington Post, 02/21/2022

"UN To Finalize Science Report On How Warming Hits Home Hard"

"Scientists and governments met Monday to finalize a major U.N. report on how global warming disrupts people’s lives, their natural environment and the Earth itself. Don’t expect a flowery valentine to the planet: instead an activist group predicted “a nightmare painted in the dry language of science.”

Source: AP, 02/14/2022

Formaldehyde Increases By 17 Percent The Risk Of Memory, Thinking Woes

"Health-care workers and others who are exposed on the job to formaldehyde, even in low amounts, face a 17 percent increased likelihood of developing memory and thinking problems later on, according to research published in the journal Neurology."

Source: Washington Post, 02/14/2022
April 30, 2024

DEADLINE: Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award

This Council for the Advancement of Science Writing award honors the late science journalist Sharon Begley (pictured, left) by recognizing and supporting journalists who exemplify excellence in covering science for the public. A $20,000 grant will go to a mid-career science journalist. Deadline: Apr 30, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Two House Democrats Question PR Firms On Work With Fossil Fuel Companies

"Reps. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) and Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) sent a letter Wednesday to six public relations-award firms, asking for details on their work with energy companies and whether they had aided them in campaigns to obscure the link between fossil fuels and climate change."

Source: The Hill, 02/11/2022
February 18, 2022

Award Ceremony: AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards

Join ​the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards program at Noon EST for a ceremony honoring our 2021 award winners. It will be held in conjunction with the virtual 2022 AAAS Annual Meeting, and you must sign in as a meeting registrant (it's free to attend the award ceremony). Please register in advance.

Topics on the Beat: 

EPA Science Advisers Recommend Tighter Soot Standards In Draft Document

"In a new draft document, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) science advisers recommended that the agency tighten its air quality standards for soot pollution after the Trump administration declined to make such a move.

The new draft that was released Friday by the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) says “all CASAC members agree that the current level of the annual standard is not sufficiently protective of public health and should be lowered.”

Source: The Hill, 02/08/2022


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