
Biden Agencies Pressed to Act on Federal Contractor Climate Disclosure

"It was a key pledge in President Joe Biden’s effort to show renewed international leadership on climate change: The U.S. government, the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world, would require its contractors and suppliers to disclose their carbon emissions and climate risks."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/09/2024

"Climate-Warming Gases Being Smuggled Into Europe, Investigation Says"

"Large amounts of climate-warming refrigerant gases from China and Turkey are being smuggled illegally into Europe, undermining a global pact to phase them out, a report by the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) said on Monday."

Source: Reuters, 04/09/2024

California Is Top U.S. Emitter Of A Planet-Warming Termite Pesticide

"Despite its aggressive reputation for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, California releases more of a climate-warming pesticide than all other states combined, most of it from homes fumigated for termites, according to a study published Wednesday."

Source: LA Times, 04/04/2024

Court Approves 3M Settlement Over PFAS Chemicals’ In Public Drinking Water

"Chemical manufacturer 3M will begin payments starting in the third quarter to many U.S. public drinking water systems as part of a multi-billion-dollar settlement over contamination with potentially harmful compounds used in firefighting foam and several consumer products, the company said."

Source: AP, 04/03/2024


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