
List of Toxics Near Military Sites May Include Leads for Reporters

Drinking water contaminated with PFAS for years has caused worry, even outrage, in local communities affected by the toxic chemicals. Now, a military database may help reporters locate contamination sites. This week’s TipSheet has more on the database, along with tips for evaluating your local PFAS story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Pentagon Pushes for Weaker Standards On PFAS Chemicals In Drinking Water

"Facing billions of dollars in cleanup costs, the Pentagon is pushing the Trump administration to adopt a weaker standard for groundwater pollution caused by chemicals that have commonly been used at military bases and that contaminate drinking water consumed by millions of Americans."

Source: NY Times, 03/19/2019

"Proposed Yaphank Fish Farm To Pay $1.3M Fine For Illegal Sand Dig"

"The owners of a long-proposed Yaphank fish farm have agreed to pay a $1.3 million penalty for taking more than 200,000 yards of sand and gravel without a permit, one of the largest actions for illegally digging sand in state history, the Department of Environmental Conservation said Thursday."

Source: Newsday, 03/15/2019

"Water Pollution: Ruling Would Exempt Dams From Standards — Greens"

"Environmental groups yesterday asked a federal appeals court to reconsider a ruling that struck down part of a high-profile removal plan for four dams in California and Oregon, saying it set a precedent that would exempt dozens of dams nationwide from meeting water quality standards."

Source: Greenwire, 03/13/2019


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