
"In Asbest, Russia, Making Asbestos Great Again"

"Sniped at for decades by health advocates, Russia’s doggedly defiant producer of asbestos — a substance banned as a killer by more than 60 countries — thinks it has perhaps finally found the perfect figure for a campaign to rehabilitate the product’s deeply stained image: President Trump."

Source: NY Times, 04/08/2019

"Michigan Sets New Health Screening Limits For 5 Types of PFAS"

"Michigan’s response to PFAS contamination now includes screening levels for five forms of the chemicals, a move that sets a significantly lower base-line for considering potential health effects for people exposed to them."

Source: Ann Arbor News, 04/05/2019

Mexican, US Officials Discuss Fixes For Failing Sewer Systems On Border

"Mexican and American officials met in Mexico City this week to talk about fixing a costly set of problems that have sprung up along the border: failing sewer systems that send raw sewage spilling into rivers."

Source: Arizona Republic, 04/05/2019

NYC Embraced Congestion Pricing. Will Other Clogged Cities Follow?

"Major cities across the United States are facing increasingly clogged roads and have had frustratingly little success in dealing with them. But now that New York has adopted congestion pricing in Manhattan, the rest of the country is far more likely to seriously consider embracing such a policy — even though it was once considered politically toxic, according to municipal officials and transportation analysts."

Source: NY Times, 04/03/2019

"Trump Vows Funding For Great Lakes Program He Just Proposed To Gut"

"President Donald Trump attempted to position himself as a hero to Michigan voters as he vowed to allocate funds for a Great Lakes restoration program — just days after he called for a 90% cut to the project in his federal budget proposal."

Source: HuffPost, 04/02/2019

"EPA: No Toxic Releases At Superfund Sites In Flooded Midwest"

"Flooding in the Midwest temporarily cut off a Superfund site in Nebraska that stores radioactive waste and explosives, inundated another one storing toxic chemical waste in Missouri, and limited access to others, federal regulators said Wednesday. The Environmental Protection Agency reported no releases of hazardous contaminants at any of eight toxic waste sites in flooded parts of Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa."

Source: AP, 03/28/2019


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