
Long-Polluting Western Maryland Paper Mill to Close, Ending Jobs

"Maryland environmental regulators were in talks with a Western Maryland paper mill about how to significantly reduce the facility’s output of a harmful pollutant when its owner shocked state officials last week by announcing plans to shutter the 131-year-old factory."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 05/10/2019

Mountain Smog? 96% Of National Parks Have Hazardous Air Quality: Study

"Millions of tourists will head out into America’s national parks this summer in search of fresh mountain air. But according to a new report they should instead expect dangerous levels of pollution; roughly 96% of the nation’s parks are struggling with significant air quality issues."

Source: Guardian, 05/08/2019

State of the Air Report Spotlights Persistent Pollution Problems

Happen to have any air breathers in your audience? Then the latest State of the Air Report will give you fodder to cover the persistent pollution problems that plague the skies. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory on the fight against air pollution and five smart ways to tell the story from a local-regional context.

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Trump EPA Illegally Dragging Its Feet On Limiting Methane Gas: Judge

"The Trump administration has illegally delayed rules limiting the discharge of climate-changing methane gas from landfills around the United States and must act on plans for California and several other states by September, a federal judge ruled Monday.

The EPA was to approve or disapprove the state plans by Sept. 30, 2017, and to prepare its own solution two months later for states without an approved plan.

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 05/07/2019

Interior Loosens Drilling Safety Rules Dating From Deepwater Horizon

"The Trump administration on Thursday made public its rollback of a major offshore-drilling safety regulation, significantly weakening an Obama-era rule that was put in place after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, which killed 11 people and sent 4.9 million barrels of oil gushing into the sea, causing the worst oil spill in American history."

Source: NY Times, 05/03/2019

"Louisiana House To Debate Keeping Industrial Pollution Reports Secret"

"Louisiana legislators are considering whether chemical plants and other industrial facilities should be allowed to conduct voluntary pollution audits that would remain secret and to grant legal immunity for certain violations discovered by the audits."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/02/2019


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