
Japan Fishers Oppose 'Catastrophic' Release Of Fukushima Water To Ocean

"Japanese fish industry representatives on Thursday urged the government not to allow the release at sea of tonnes of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant, saying it would undo years of work to restore their reputation."

Source: Reuters, 10/08/2020

Emissions of Nitrous Oxide, a Climate Super-Pollutant, Are Rising Fast

"Emissions of nitrous oxide, a climate super-pollutant hundreds of times more potent than carbon dioxide, are rising faster than previously thought—at a rate that not only threatens international targets to limit global warming, but is consistent with a worst-case trajectory for climate change, a new study suggests."

Source: InsideClimate News, 10/08/2020

Flint Residents Sue 3 Banks, Accuse Them Of Helping Create Water Crisis

"Flint residents seeking damages from the water crisis are accusing three investment banks of aiding in the exposure of tens of thousands of residents to toxic water when the city switched its water source more than six years ago."

Source: Detroit News, 10/08/2020

Climate-Unfriendly Coal May Be Losing Ground in U.S., But Not Worldwide

When it comes to climate change, coal’s carbon emissions mean trouble. But as Backgrounder explains, if the once-powerful coal industry is on the decline in the United States, the fuel’s still finding favor worldwide. And that’s bad news for the Paris climate accord’s hopes of gaining control of runaway warming. The story behind the “exaggerated death” of coal.

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Plant Trackers Help Mark Coal’s Decline

Keeping tabs on the increasingly frequent closing of U.S. coal-fired electric power plants is an important way to follow developments on the larger climate change beat. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox points to several mapping databases that help make the job far easier — whether watching the industry in the United States or abroad.

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EPA Finalizes Rule Letting Some Big Polluters Follow Weaker Standards

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Thursday finalized a rule that could reclassify many “major” sources of pollution as minor ones, allowing facilities to abide by less-stringent emissions standards for dangerous substances such as mercury, lead and arsenic."

Source: The Hill, 10/02/2020

Coal Boss Murray Files for Black Lung Benefits After Fighting Regs

"Robert E. Murray, the former CEO and president of the now-bankrupt Murray Energy, has filed an application with the U.S. Department of Labor for black lung benefits. For years, Murray and his company fought against federal mine safety regulations aimed at reducing the debilitating disease."

Source: WV Public Broadcasting, 10/01/2020


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