
"‘Super-Enzyme’ Speeds Up Breakdown of Plastic, Researchers Say"

"A new cocktail of enzymes that speeds up the degradation of plastic offers a step forward in finding a new form of recycling that is faster, is more affordable and works on a larger scale than current methods, British and American researchers said this week."

Source: NYTimes, 09/30/2020

"EPA Chief Trumpeting ‘Misleading’ Superfund Metrics, Critics Say"

"The EPA is touting the number of contaminated Superfund sites removed from its priority list—even as newly proposed sites and sites awaiting funding continue to pile up."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/30/2020

"Mountain Valley Pipeline Regains Permit To Cross Streams, Wetlands"

"A path across nearly 1,000 streams and wetlands was cleared Friday for the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reissued three permits for the natural gas pipeline being built in Virginia and West Virginia, nearly two years after they were invalidated by a federal appeals court."

Source: Roanoke Times, 09/28/2020

"EPA to Promote Lead Testing Rule as Trump Tries to Burnish His Record"

"The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to overhaul the way communities test their water for lead, a policy change that will be pitched ahead of Election Day as a major environmental achievement for a president not noted for his conservation record."

Source: NYTimes, 09/28/2020

"EPA Rejects Its Own Findings That a Pesticide Harms Children’s Brains"

"The Trump administration has rejected scientific evidence linking the pesticide chlorpyrifos to serious health problems, directly contradicting federal scientists’ conclusions five years ago that it can stunt brain development in children."

Source: NYTimes, 09/24/2020


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