People & Population

Home Insurance Likely To Be a 2024 Climate Story Near You

In the first of a two-parter for our 2024 Journalists’ Guide to Environment & Energy, TipSheet looks at what climate-driven disasters mean for the home insurance market. Storms, floods and fire rip through communities, yet a federal insurance program falls short, lawmakers shy away from real reform and insurers grow hesitant to cover the risks, while homeowners often attempt to rebuild in the same problematic locales. Plus, see part two on extreme weather and insurance.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Flood Threats Are Rising. Here’s Where People Are Moving Into Harm’s Way."

"Worldwide, humans now occupy more than twice as much land in flood-prone areas as they did four decades ago, according to a new study in the journal Nature. The findings highlight the degree to which rapid development along coasts and in floodplains has increased the need for disaster preparedness around the globe."

Source: NYTimes, 10/05/2023

"In the Ambitious Bid to Reinvent South Baltimore, Justice Concerns Remain"

"Parks, trails, housing, commercial development, flood resiliency efforts and new community amenities are supposed to turn the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River into the next Inner Harbor. But some activists worry about gentrification and more injustice."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/02/2023

Unique Podcast Team Gives Voice to Troubled Communities Near Declining Salton Sea

In the Coachella Valley east of Los Angeles, the massive Salton Sea is rapidly drying up, threatening vulnerable immigrant communities in a growing toxic environment. The Living Downstream podcast reported extensively on these hazards, winning third place in the Society of Environmental Journalists’ Awards for Reporting on the Environment’s explanatory reporting, small, category, in 2022. Inside Story spoke with one of the prizewinners.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Houston OKs $5M To Relocate Residents Near Polluted Union Pacific Yard

"Houston officials on Wednesday approved $5 million for a fund to help relocate residents from neighborhoods located near a rail yard polluted by a cancer-linked wood preservative that has been blamed for an increase in cancer cases."

Source: AP, 09/28/2023


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