People & Population

April 25, 2024

Working 9 to 5: How to Turn Your Job Into a Force for Climate Action

Join Project Drawdown to explore how the workplace is the perfect place for climate solutions and how every employee in every job function has a role to play in creating change and connecting their job to climate action. 1:00 p.m. ET.


Biden Marks Earth Day By Announcing $7 Billion In Solar Power Grants

"President Joe Biden is marking Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in federal grants for residential solar projects serving 900,000-plus households in low- and middle-income communities. He also plans to expand his New Deal-style American Climate Corps green jobs training program."

Source: AP, 04/22/2024

"How Do Neighbors of Solar Farms Really Feel? A New Survey Has Answers"

"For people living within three miles of a large solar farm, positive attitudes about the development outnumber negative ones by about a three-to-one margin, according to a new national survey released this week by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/19/2024

"Climate Change Played A Role In Killing Tens Of Thousands Of People In 2023"

"At nine years old, Carter Vigh loved soccer, his friends, and dancing to music. ... Carter also had asthma. The hot temperatures and dense wildfire smoke that enveloped the Vighs’ British Columbia home, 100 Mile House, in the summer of 2023 exacerbated his asthma and killed him."

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 04/18/2024
May 2, 2024 to May 4, 2024

World Press Freedom Day Conference

Between May 2 and 4, Chile and UNESCO will host the 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference in Santiago. This year's theme is "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis." The event will also be livestreamed.



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