People & Population

"Paiute Indians Assert Legacy on Occupied Wildlife Refuge Land"

"BURNS, Ore. — Hundreds of residents crammed into a building at the Harney County Fairgrounds here on Wednesday night, far surpassing the capacity of the rows of brown metal folding chairs set up on a concrete floor, to talk in often deeply emotional terms about their community — and just who should be in charge of its destiny."

Source: NY Times, 01/08/2016

"Alaska's Inuit Link Steady Food Supply to Environment Health"

"Alaska Inuit hunter John Goodwin for decades has hunted oogruk, the bearded seal, a marine mammal prized for its meat, oil and hide.

The largest of Alaska's ice seals uses sea ice to rest and birth pups, and after the long winter, when ice breaks into floes, there's a window of opportunity for Goodwin to leave his home in Kotzebue and motor his boat between ice panels, shoot seals and butcher them before they migrate north through the Bering Strait.

Source: AP, 12/29/2015

SEJ's 26th Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA, Sept. 21-25, 2016

Environmental Journalism 2016 took us to California, the Land of Extremes and Home of Big Dreams, hosted by Capital Public Radio and UC Davis. Multimedia coverage is posted here. See the agenda and speaker bios.


She’s Braved Rough Seas, Space Walks -- and Now Climate Change Deniers

"Kathryn Sullivan has helped U.S. Navy sailors navigate — literally — through rough seas as an oceanographer in the Navy Reserves. As a NASA astronaut, she’s walked in space, the first American woman to step outside a spacecraft, 140 miles above Earth. These challenges are a world apart from what she’s now confronting in Washington as she leads an agency of federal scientists in the crosshairs of a powerful member of Congress."

Source: Wash Post, 12/15/2015


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