Laws & Regulations

"Fighting Obama’s Climate Plan, but Quietly Preparing to Comply"

"Matt Mead, the governor of Wyoming, the nation’s leading coal-producing state, fiercely opposes President Obama’s climate change regulations, which could shutter hundreds of coal plants and deeply wound his state, one of 27 that are suing to block the plan. Nevertheless, Mr. Mead, a Republican, has ordered his top environmental officials to prepare to comply with the president’s effort... ."

Source: NY Times, 07/20/2016

Undercover Federal Agents Spied on Anti-Fracking Movement, Emails Show

"When more than 300 protesters assembled in May at the Holiday Inn in Lakewood, Colorado — the venue chosen by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for an auction of oil and gas leases on public lands — several of the demonstrators were in fact undercover agents sent by law enforcement to keep tabs on the demonstration, according to emails obtained by The Intercept."

Source: The Intercept, 07/20/2016

"Volkswagen Scandal Reaches All the Way to the Top, Lawsuits Say"

"Three attorneys general on Tuesday directly challenged Volkswagen’s defense over its emissions deception, calling the decision to thwart pollution tests an orchestrated fraud that lasted more than a decade, involved dozens of engineers and managers and reached deep into the company’s boardroom."

Source: NY Times, 07/20/2016


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