Journalism & Media

Veteran Reporters Say Ignore the Noise, and Localize

Environmental journalists at a day-long event urged colleagues to report on the real, local impacts of policy, more than on the buzz around the policy. On hand at the SEJ-sponsored program were representatives of administrations past and present, including Trump EPA transition team head Myron Ebell (shown). 


Tracy Mehan lll, American Water Works Association
Myron Ebell, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Ed Maibach, George Mason University
Scott Segal, Policy Resolution Group and Bracewell LLP
Bob Perciasepe, Center for Climate & Energy Solutions
Environmental advocates
Journalists panel

SEJ Publication Types: 

WatchDog Group Sues for Records as Pruitt Confirmation Vote Nears & More

The latest WatchDog TipSheet details an open-records case against U.S. EPA nominee Scott Pruitt (shown), the scoop on an Agriculture Department animal welfare database that vanished then returned, a reporter busted at Standing Rock, plus items on whistleblowers, coal-ash and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Senate Votes on Pruitt EPA Nomination Possible Thursday-Friday

Senate votes on confirming Scott Pruitt to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency could come as soon as Thursday and Friday this week. Pruitt's office in Oklahoma has stonewalled open-records requests from environmentalists for his emails with energy companies -- and the first court hearing seeking to compel disclosure is scheduled for Thursday.

Source: The Hill, 02/14/2017

Rogue Twitter Brings Government Leaks to Masses

Dozens of renegade government Twitter accounts have sprung up, with claims they're run anonymously by employees of various agencies whose missions appear threatened by the Trump administration. TipSheet has the story, plus a list of more than 40 accounts of interest to environmental reporters. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

Enviro, Energy Reporters Look at Prospects for Beat in 2017

Veteran journalists gathered in Washington, D.C. last Friday, Feb. 3, to share insights into how environment and energy policy may unfold in the year ahead — and to urge colleagues to prepare for possibly dramatic shifts ahead. Key takeaways, plus video, audio clips and a presentation by SEJ's president. Photo: Washington Post reporter Daryl Fears; courtesy of Schuyler Null/Wilson Center.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"USDA Abruptly Purges Animal Welfare Information From Its Website"

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Friday abruptly removed inspection reports and other information from its website about the treatment of animals at thousands of research laboratories, zoos, dog breeding operations and other facilities."

Source: Washington Post, 02/07/2017


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