Journalism & Media

"Brazil's Right-Wing Government Puts Gag Order On Environment Agency"

"Brazil’s right-wing government has ordered environmental enforcement agency Ibama not to respond to requests from the media, stoking fears that President Jair Bolsonaro may be rolling back environmental protections out of the public eye."

Source: Reuters, 03/14/2019
March 20, 2019

Global Environmental Journalism: Under Siege or Dawning Anew?

Come to the University of Colorado Boulder, 7:00-8:30 p.m., to hear from the founder and journalists of one of the most successful environmental journalism startups in the world, Mongabay, as they describe the challenges faced by reporters covering environmental issues in the global tropics and the hope and success that new models of environmental journalism are having on issues ranging from deforestation to species extinction.


"Interior Chief Pick Must Disclose Lobbying Ties, Watchdog Says"

"The U.S. Department of the Interior must produce records of communications between David Bernhardt, President Trump’s nominee to lead the department, and his former clients in the energy and agricultural industries, a March 12 complaint says."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/13/2019

Doc on Rare Porpoise Wins Sundance Award

An environmental documentary that follows a risk-laden effort to save a rare and elusive porpoise won over audiences at the recent Sundance Film Festival. Correspondent JoAnn Valenti takes a look at the film, along with other documentaries that explore the role of journalists and journalism. 

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New Coal Ash Data Help Pinpoint Local Pollution Stories

Hundreds of coal ash ponds and landfills around the United States pollute drinking water supplies, and now a newly released report helps localize the problem for environmental reporters. This week’s TipSheet explores the new data source, provides the back story on coal ash regulation (or lack thereof) and the potential health risks, while offering numerous questions to ask and resources to track down.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Senators Ask U.S. Border Agency About Reported Tracking Of Journalists

"Two senior U.S. senators asked U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Monday to provide information on a report that the agency inappropriately tracked seven American journalists covering the migrant caravan from Central America last year."

Source: Reuters, 03/12/2019

"Congress Strikes Back at Interior Department’s Bad FOIA Regs"

"Representative Elijah Cummings, D-Md, and Senators Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and John Cornyn, R-Texas, recently sent a stern letter to the Interior Department reprimanding the agency for its efforts to weaken its FOIA regulations and urging it to reconsider the rule change."

Source: Unredacted, 03/12/2019
May 1, 2020

DEADLINE: Institute for Environmental Journalism Summer 2020

The Pulitzer Prize-winning news organization InsideClimate News' summer journalism program is for high school students and recent grads to explore the nation's most pressing environmental concerns, Jul 5-17, 2020, through ambitious journalism immersed in the rugged coast of Maine at the College of the Atlantic. Scholarships available. Deadline: May 1.



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