Journalism & Media

September 1, 2020 to September 2, 2020

European Conference of Science Journalism

The ECSJ2020, organised by Science Writers in Italy, will take place — in Trieste, Italy and online — on 1 and 2 September, right before the Euro Science Open Forum 2020.

Topics on the Beat: 

‘Green Recovery’ Policies an Elusive Promise

As Democratic and Republican parties plan their nominating conventions beginning next week amid a pandemic and a recession, it’s instructive to examine the state of thinking about a “green recovery.”  Backgrounder looks at the politicking and policies behind the notion that a massive clean energy plan could be good not just for addressing climate change, but also the economy.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Start Tracking Wildfires Before Things Get Hot

With little (and big) fires just about everywhere these days, reporters could use help tracking the myriad blazes. Fortunately, firefighting experts have developed some handy databases that journalists can tap into to better cover this story. Plus, other kinds of data tools to keep on top of fire hazards. And SEJ’s new “Issue: Wildfire” resource page, which includes wildfire headlines from EJToday and more wildfire stories from SEJournal.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Freelancing in the Time of Coronavirus

When breaking news hits, freelancers often find editors at media outlets eager for related stories. But what about when breaking news like a global pandemic becomes virtually the only story being told? What do you do when those same media editors say no thanks to yet more coverage? Freelance Files editor Karen Schaefer went looking for some timely advice.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism Awards $48,768 in Story Project Grants in New Rapid Response Grants 2020

August 28, 2020 — SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism has awarded an additional $48,768 for 11 new story projects selected via its Rapid Response story project grants on a wide range of environmental issues and regions.

Topics on the Beat: 

Lizzie Grossman Grants for Environmental Health Reporting

The "Lizzie" Grant is named for Elizabeth Grossman, a longtime SEJ member who devoted her career to uncovering environmental health issues while tirelessly advocating for freelancers until her untimely death in July 2017. The grant(s) will provide funding, up to $5,000 per grantee, to help cover travel and expenses related to sustained coverage of a particular topic in environmental health. It will be offered under the Fund for Environmental Journalism.



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