Journalism & Media

Forest Service Offers Mapping Database on Potential Wildfire Hazards

With a particularly dangerous wildfire season ahead, environmental journalists can better cover the heightened risk with a specialized U.S. Forest Service database. It predicts fire risk using a range of frequently updated variables like amount and condition of fuel, drought and topography, then maps it in high resolution with overlays of human structures and populations. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox has more on the database, and details how to make smart use of it.

SEJ Publication Types: 
May 3, 2024

DEADLINE: Sharon Begley Science Reporting Fellowship

The Knight Science Journalism Program, in partnership with health, science and medicine publication STAT, is taking applications until May 3, 2024 from early-career US journalists for this nine-month paid fellowship, which aims to diversify the ranks of science and health journalists and foster a more inclusive and comprehensive coverage of science.

Topics on the Beat: 

SEJ Urges State Dept. To Help Free U.S. Journalists Detained in Myanmar

June 3, 2021 — The Society of Environmental Journalists has written the U.S. State Department urging it to do all in its power to free two U.S. journalists working in Myanmar who have been imprisoned since the military seized power there in February. Danny Fenster, managing editor of the independent news outlet Frontier Myanmar, was detained May 24 as he prepared to fly to the U.S. for a family visit. Nathan Maung, editor-in-chief of the local news outlet Kamayut Media, was seized in March. Read SEJ's letter.

Topics on the Beat: 

Before You Cover That Pipeline Protest, Check the Law

At least 16 states currently have critical infrastructure anti-protest laws that could sweep up journalists on the scene, reports the latest TipSheet. The laws, which more states are considering, apply to pipelines, but sometimes other facilities that impact the environment too, like powerlines, dams, port facilities and refineries. How to keep track and avoid going to jail.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Reconciling the Divide — How To Report Environment and Religion Together

New thinking and narratives are needed to solve complex environmental challenges like the climate crisis. But for journalists, the ongoing split between religion and environment beats hampers that effort. It’s a reality environmental journalist Meera Subramanian knows from conversations at her own kitchen table. So she helped organize a recent Society of Environmental Journalists’ webinar to explore closing the gap.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Florida Data Scientist Rebekah Jones Granted Whistleblower Status"

"A former Florida Department of Health employee has received whistleblower status a year after being fired for repeatedly violating the agency’s policy about communicating with the media."

Source: AP, 06/01/2021


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