Journalism & Media

Digging Deep Into an Insect ‘Die-off’ When the Data Is Missing

Even with a book in the works and a pledge to not take on new projects, freelance environmental journalist Jeremy Hance couldn’t say no to a series on global insect decline. Despite missing data and numerous other challenges, the resulting project was an award-winning example of explanatory reporting. Insights and lessons learned, in the new Inside Story.

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June 3, 2021

Carving a Niche in Photojournalism and Getting Published on Major Platforms

The International Journalists' Network is hosting a webinar with KC Nwakolor, an independent documentary photographer. KC will share his career journey and teach emerging and practicing photojournalists how to carve a niche for themselves in the field and get their photos published on major platforms. 10 a.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Groups Accuse Tennessee Valley Authority Of Misusing Funds"

"Four environmental organizations on Wednesday asked the Tennessee Valley Authority’s internal watchdog to investigate whether the nation’s largest public utility misused ratepayer money for lobbying and litigation that fought federal environmental regulations."

Source: AP, 05/27/2021

Canadian Journalists Take RCMP to Court Over Fairy Creek Access Bans

"The Canadian Association of Journalists, along with a group of news organizations and press freedom groups, says it plans to take the RCMP to court over its decision to restrict media coverage at the Fairy Creek blockades. Journalists from all over B.C. have been covering the demonstrations against the logging of old-growth trees near Port Renfrew."

Source: CBC News, 05/27/2021
June 10, 2021

Authentic Authorship: Understanding Indigenous Claims and Connections

The Native American Journalists Association will host this virtual roundtable intended to help non-Indigenous editors and producers understand the nuance and complexity of Indigenous connections to better examine Indigenous claims by sources and authors. 5 p.m. ET.

June 2, 2021

Complicating the Narrative With Amanda Ripley

What if journalists covered controversial issues differently? Join The Narwhal for a virtual conversation with investigative journalist/author Amanda Ripley on applying conflict mediation techniques in journalism and why it's so important for reporting on the climate and extinction crises. 3 p.m. PT / 6 p.m. ET.

May 8, 2023

DEADLINE: The Everyday Projects Grant

In a new effort to help provide support to photojournalists from diverse backgrounds as they develop their craft, The Everyday Projects will award two $6,000 grants to photographers to work on a long-term project in their community. Deadline: May 8, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 

When No News Is Bad News — EPA Uncensors Climate Indicators

A government website that tracked climate change is back after being frozen by the Trump administration. But the return of the EPA’s climate indicator page, argues the new WatchDog opinion column, is just one step in undoing a longer-term and more systematic assault on science that has hobbled truth-seeking journalists. WatchDog on what must come next.

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