
No ‘Day at the Beach’ with Pollution-related Closures

Every summer, beaches are closed across the United States because of pollution that can bring disease to beachgoers. That suggests local stories, such as problems with sewage systems and algal blooms known as 'red tides.' The latest TipSheet shares resources and info to help you cover the local beach closure beat.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Lead in Drinking Water Remains Widespread Problem

More stories about lead contamination of drinking water are unfolding around the country, even as the Flint disaster lingers. A new Issue Backgrounder details how lead gets into drinking water, how it leads to health problems among the most prevalent in the United States, and what solutions might address the crisis.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Connecting Superfund to Environmental Justice Stories

Concerns about the greater impact of pollution on poor people and ethnic minorities are not new. But now, environmental reporters have more tools than ever for finding and telling these stories. The latest TipSheet spotlights a useful EPA app and numerous other sources to track this ongoing story.

SEJ Publication Types: 
May 22, 2017

DEADLINE: NPF "Understanding Why Public Health Matters" Fellowship

Over four days, July 16-19, 2017 in Washington, D.C., journalists will learn the connection between chronic illness and social determinants such as housing, food security, livable wages and environmental quality. The National Press Foundation all-expenses-paid fellowship covers airfare, ground transportation, hotel costs and most meals. Apply by May 22.

Topics on the Beat: 

Data-Driven Journalism Delivers … Mostly

Make sure data-driven reporting fulfills its potential with your environmental coverage. This extensive ToolBox looks at the broader trends in the burgeoning field, then zeros in on best uses for data journalism, spotlights great examples, and shares the resources, reading and helpful sites to get you on your way.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"The Trump Administration Is Ill-Prepared For A Global Pandemic"

"The Trump administration has failed to fill crucial public health positions across the government, leaving the nation ill-prepared to face one of its greatest potential threats: a pandemic outbreak of a deadly infections disease, according to experts in health and national security."

Source: Washington Post, 04/10/2017

Hazardous Sites Near You? There’s a Database for That!

The best public database of the risk management plans for many major hazardous sites has now been restored. The latest TipSheet has the backstory on government tracking of hazardous chemical facilities, an example of how the database was mined for some stellar reporting, and ideas for smart use of this powerful tool.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 29, 2017 to April 30, 2017

Planetary Health / GeoHealth Annual Meeting

The Planetary Health Alliance, along with The Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome Trust, Ecological Society of America, American Geophysical Union, and The Lancet, is hosting the inaugural Planetary Health/GeoHealth Annual Meeting at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, with an opening reception on Friday, April 28 at the New England Aquarium.

Topics on the Beat: 


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