
October 31, 2024

SciLine Experts on Camera: Environmental Contamination After Hurricanes With Dr. Weihsueh Chiu

Dr. Weihsueh Chiu of Texas A&M will be available from 10 a.m-noon ET for 15-minute 1-on-1 Zoom interviews. He can discuss types of hurrican-damage pollution; how preparations for hurricanes and damage to infrastructure lead to pollution; environmental remediation; and how hurricane-related pollution impacts human health.


Future of Justice40 Program Hangs in Balance

A Biden administration initiative that commits to allocating 40% of federal investments to disadvantaged communities plagued by overpollution is an environmental justice breakthrough, writes columnist Yessenia Funes. But it’s also a program with weaknesses, such as how it factors in race or keeps track of impacts. What is Justice40, what has it missed and what is its future?

SEJ Publication Types: 

Sewage Sludge Can Spread the Harm of Many Toxic Chemicals

What was once benignly dubbed biosolids is more accurately tagged toxic sludge. And some of it may be finding its way into our food. The latest TipSheet reports how that came to be despite (or perhaps because of) Clean Water Act regulation, and how hard it is to calculate the potential harms. Plus, more than a dozen reporting ideas and resources for this highly localizable story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Looking for Environmental Justice Through the Smog

A serious air pollutant prevalent in underserved communities, Superfund hazardous waste sites nearby, public drinking water systems out of compliance. All are new or enhanced insights found in an improved version of the federal government’s EJScreen data tool. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox reviews the changes and how they can be used to tell stories of real people’s daily lives.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Coequal Catastrophes — Quammen on Climate Change, Extinction and Epidemics

Biodiversity loss can seem like a remote and abstract problem that pales in comparison to climate worries. But award-winning author David Quammen sees them as coequal threats, along with emerging diseases, and encourages journalists to illuminate the relationships between them. His advice includes getting out of big cities to see the extinction crisis firsthand and weaving humor and hope into your writing.

SEJ Publication Types: 
October 30, 2024

DEADLINE: The Mycoskie-UC Berkeley Psychedelic Documentary Fellowship

This fellowship aims to empower a new generation of filmmakers exploring the burgeoning field of psychedelics. Apply for one of three $10,000 Student Fellowships or one of two $25,000 General Fellowships. Deadline is Oct 30, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 

Could Beef Be the Route to a Bird Flu Pandemic?

What goes on the backyard grill may be an important environmental story for any number of reasons. But as the latest TipSheet points out, one especially worrying one at the moment is the possibility that avian flu could jump species and create a public health crisis. Here’s what we know right now, along with story ideas and reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 
October 4, 2024

DEADLINE: AHCJ U.S. Health System Reporting Fellowship

The Association of Health Care Journalists' year-long domestic fellowship aims to help U.S.-based journalists tackle a big reporting project that they might not otherwise be able to do in their daily work, while maintaining their regular employment. Apply by Oct 4, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 4, 2024

DEADLINE: AHCJ International Health Study Fellowships

 The Association of Health Care Journalists' six-month international fellowship allows for journalists to travel overseas to comparatively study and report on a facet of the health care system abroad as it compares to that of the United States. Apply by Oct 4, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 18, 2024

SciLine Media Briefing: Hurricane Aftermath — Damage to Infrastructure, Health and the Environment

SciLine’s next media briefing will describe what scientific research says about the damage hurricanes cause to infrastructure (including homes and local services), the environment (including pollution events and shoreline damage), and health — particularly among already-vulnerable populations. 1-2 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 


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