
Extreme Rainfall Offers Journalists a Deluge of Environment, Climate Stories

The increased frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation presents environmental reporters with challenging coverage of flooding, property damage, insurance shortfalls and risk to human life, as well as about the climate change driving the downpours. The latest TipSheet offers context, story ideas and resources to cover such big storms in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 

EPA To Propose Plan Soon for First PFAS Drinking Water Rule

Plans are nearing for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate PFAS in drinking water — and the complexity around the effort will challenge environmental journalism. In the mix are questions of environmental persistence and health risks, plus thorny politics. Our Issue Backgrounder has guidance on these and more as PFAS regulation hits this critical juncture.

SEJ Publication Types: 
January 25, 2023 to January 27, 2023

Media Briefing on Plastics, Petrochemicals and Protecting Cultural Resources

Beyond Plastics, Inclusive Louisiana, the Descendants Project and Louisiana Bucket Brigade are hosting a media briefing in New Orleans for journalists on plastics, petrochemicals, environmental justice and protecting cultural resources. Includes a bus tour of "Cancer Alley." Lodging and meals included if you register by Dec 22.

December 7, 2022

Webinars on the Environmental Justice Index: National Tool to Measure the Cumulative Impacts of Environmental Burden on Health

Choose from three dates to learn how to use the new Environmental Justice Index (EJI). The EJI is the first national, place-based tool designed to measure the cumulative impacts of environmental burden through the lens of human health and health equity.

Topics on the Beat: 

Documentary Tells of Human, Environmental Toll of Unexploded Ordnance

A film by reporting duo Jerry Redfern and Karen Coates — supported by a grant from the Society of Environmental Journalists — shows the ongoing human and environmental harm of the unexploded U.S. bombs and other ordnance dropped on Southeast Asian villages during the Vietnam War. “Eternal Harvest,” which builds on their earlier book on the topic, was made painstakingly over years, and in the latest FEJ StoryLog, the couple explains their process and storytelling approach.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Sleuths Tap Obscure Toxics Database To ID Loophole on PFAS

Data specialists working with two databases, one familiar and one little-known, have uncovered how companies may be able to hide releases of the family of toxic PFAS chemicals. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox details the data revelation and explores how journalists may make use of the Chemical Data Reporting service’s datasets for their own stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 
December 1, 2023

DEADLINE: USC Annenberg California Health Equity Impact Fund

California-based professional journalists (including freelancers) or reporters from national outlets doing a California-focused project are eligible for this fund comprising a $2,000-$10,000 stipend, five months of professional mentorship from a veteran journalist and more. Apply by Dec 1, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 

Environmental Reporting Through an Indigenous Perspective

Indigenous communities that have tried to live in balance with nature have seen their practices largely ignored. But now many have turned to them for guidance. As part of a special initiative from the Society of Environmental Journalists on covering climate solutions, we offer a tipsheet from journalist Brian Bull on reporting on how Indigenous people use nature-based environmental solutions. Also, check out additional resources and watch video from an earlier webinar.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Lead Ammo and Tackle, Decades Later, Still Fought Over by Big Guns

Lead kills. With hunting and fishing seasons underway, lead ammo and tackle put a known neurotoxin into the ecosystem. And that renews a long-standing controversy, with a tug of war over rules limiting lead at the local and federal levels. The latest TipSheet examines why it matters to vulnerable species, like the bald eagle, as well as to humans. Plus, local story ideas and resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 
November 2, 2022 to November 3, 2022

Working Away at Climate Change: Reporting on the Intersections of Climate Change, Rights and Labor

The Global Landscapes Forum and Pulitzer Center invite applications to attend this free online seminar for English-speaking journalists to better examine climate change through the lenses of the rights and labor of those most vulnerable. Get interview opportunities and a ticket to GLF Climate: Frontiers of Change, Nov 11-12, 2022.



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