Fish & Fisheries

"Fishing Regulator Rejects Lifting Ban on Female Crab Harvest"

"A commission acknowledged concerns about the threatened shorebirds that rely on crab eggs as a critical food source around the Delaware Bay."

"A fisheries regulator on Thursday unexpectedly extended a ban on harvesting female horseshoe crabs from the Delaware Bay to help protect a vital food source for the red knot, a threatened shorebird that migrates via the bay’s beaches.

Source: NYTimes, 11/11/2022

"How Mitsubishi Vacuumed Up Tuna From A Rogue Chinese Fishing Fleet"

"Last week, Mongabay revealed a massive illegal shark finning operation across the fleet of a major Chinese tuna fishing firm. The company, Dalian Ocean Fishing, mainly serves the Japanese market. Most of its tuna has gone to Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation and its seafood trading arm, Toyo Reizo."

Source: Mongabay, 11/10/2022

"A Planned Restart of a Crab Harvest Pits Conservation Against Industry"

"For the first time in 10 years, a fisheries regulator is poised to restart the harvest of female horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay, a policy change that conservationists say will threaten the survival of the Atlantic species of the red knot, an imperiled shorebird."

Source: NYTimes, 11/09/2022

"Negotiations To Conserve Antarctic Ocean End In Stalemate On Many Issues"

"On Nov. 4, the 41st annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) closed without making significant progress toward the establishment of new marine protected areas (MPAs) and fishery regulations. The scientific community and most delegates to the meeting had urged the adoption of new protections for Southern Ocean ecosystems to buffer damage from climate change and fishing."

Source: Mongabay, 11/08/2022

Could Biodiversity Be Bee’s Knees for Environmental Journalists This Fall?

While a global gathering on biodiversity this winter will be news in itself, enterprising reporters can also find many biodiversity stories in their own backyards. The latest TipSheet offers insight into the domestic U.S. battle over endangered species, with a tale of a Tennessee dam, and a better understanding of the biodiversity-habitat connection. Plus, story ideas and reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Whale Injuries From Drift Gillnets Off California Spark Lawsuit Against US

"Environmentalists on Thursday sued the agency overseeing U.S. fisheries, claiming it had failed to protect endangered humpback whales from entanglement in drift gillnets - sprawling curtains of nylon mesh - used in commercial fishing off California."

Source: Reuters, 10/28/2022

Illegal Fishing Spurs Billions In Losses For Developing Countries: Study

"Developing countries are losing billions of dollars due to illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, which siphons off revenue through illicit financial flows, according to a new study by the Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC)."

Source: Guardian, 10/27/2022
October 27, 2022 to October 31, 2022

The International Indigenous Salmon Seas Symposium and Press Conference

The Symposium brings together 35 Indigenous peoples, knowledge-keepers and invited guests from the three great salmon seas: the Salish Sea, Alaska, and the Russian Far East to begin a new era of collaboration and communication among the Salmon Peoples of the Pan-Pacific.



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