Fish & Fisheries

To Protect Lobstermen, Spending Bill May Speed Whales’ Extinction: Enviros

"Lawmakers from Maine have inserted a provision in a massive government funding bill to buffer lobstermen from new regulations, but environmental groups warn it could push the critically endangered North Atlantic right whales to the brink of extinction."

Source: Washington Post, 12/21/2022

"Chilkat Indian Village Says Alaska Mine Poses Risk To Watershed"

"The Chilkat Indian Village of Klukwan is challenging a state permit approving construction of a gold and metals mine that would tunnel under the Saksaia Glacier on 6,100-foot Flower Mountain near the headwaters of the Chilkat River watershed."

Source: States Newsroom, 12/19/2022

"Starving Seabirds On Alaska Coast Show Climate Change Peril"

"Dead and dying seabirds collected on the coasts of the northern Bering and southern Chukchi seas over the past six years reveal how the Arctic’s fast-changing climate is threatening the ecosystems and people who live there, according to a report released Tuesday by U.S. scientists."

Source: AP, 12/14/2022

A Town in Washington Recognizes the Rights of Southern Resident Orcas

"The city of Port Townsend, Washington, on Monday proclaimed that Southern Resident Orcas have legal rights, marking the first time a U.S. city council has made such a recognition."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/07/2022

"EPA Proposes Restrictions To Block Proposed Alaska Mine"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday proposed restrictions that would block plans for a copper and gold mine in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region that is home to the world’s largest sockeye salmon run."

Source: AP, 12/05/2022


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