Fish & Fisheries

Cooler, Hurricane-Boosting La Niña To Replace El Niño

"The strong El Nino weather condition that added a bit of extra heat to already record warm global temperatures is gone. It’s cool flip side, La Nina, is likely to breeze in just in time for peak Atlantic hurricane season, federal meteorologists said."

Source: AP, 06/14/2024

Makah Tribe Wins U.S. Waiver To Resume Hunting Pacific Gray Whales

"After a decades-long struggle, a Native American tribe won the right to resume its hunting traditions off Washington state's coast when federal regulators granted a waiver on Thursday allowing the Makah people to hunt up to 25 gray whales over a decade."

Source: Reuters, 06/14/2024
September 27, 2024 to September 29, 2024

Canadian Animal Law Conference

Animal Justice's annual event, this year in Toronto, includes sessions on aquatic animal law & ethics, agricultural exceptionalism, "enriched" cages, selective media coverage, ag gag laws, wildlife policies, biodiversity and more. A related Student Animal Law Conference takes place on Sep 27 (travel funding available). 


Unique Award-Winner Highlights Risks to Whales From Fight Over Fish

Whales and fishers chasing the same catch can lead to serious impacts on marine mammals, including illegal shootings. To tell the story, journalist Nick Rahaim took an unusual tack — reporting while working as a deckhand on a fishing vessel. His award-winning account won praise for its balance, sourcing and insight. Rahaim talks about his approach in our Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Oregon Closes More Coastal Shellfish Harvesting Due To High Toxins

"Oregon authorities have expanded shellfish harvesting closures along the state’s entire coastline to include razor clams and bay clams, as already high levels of toxins that have contributed to a shellfish poisoning outbreak continue to rise."

Source: AP, 06/10/2024

"In Washington, D.C., The City’s ‘Forgotten River’ Cleans Up, Slowly"

"Bruce Holmes, 65, grew up fishing on the Anacostia River, a 9-mile (14-kilometer) urban waterway that flows through Washington, D.C. and parts of Maryland, and has long been defined by pollution and neglect."

Source: AP, 06/06/2024

"Sanctioned Tankers Pose Rising Environmental Risk In Mediterranean"

"Unregulated tankers sidestepping Western sanctions are posing a bigger risk to the Mediterranean region and Greece is undertaking more protective measures to safeguard its coast, the country's shipping minister told Reuters on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 06/05/2024


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