Fish & Fisheries

"Campaigners Celebrate As Firm Making First-Ever GMO Fish Ceases Operations"

"AquaBounty Technologies, the first company in North America to get regulatory approval to sell a genetically engineered animal for human consumption — an Atlantic salmon spliced with genes from other fish — announced on Dec. 11 that it was closing its last facility, ceasing fish farming activities, and culling remaining stock.

Source: Mongabay, 01/08/2025

"In Mobile Bay, the Oysters’ Tale of Woe"

"Academics, conservationists, nonprofits, government agencies—and one passionate, retired scientist—are working to rebuild reefs, reduce the carbon imprint and educate the public about the importance of restoring the oyster population."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/06/2025

Shrimper’s Crusade Pays Big Dividends on Remote Stretch of Texas Coastline

"Few men still fish for a living on the Gulf Coast of Texas. The work is hard and pay is meager. In the hearts of rundown seaside towns, dilapidated harbors barely recall the communities that thrived here generations ago."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/03/2025

Elevated Levels of Radium Found in Western Pennsylvania Freshwater Mussels

"Researchers detected increased radioactivity in mussels downstream of oil and gas wastewater discharge points, raising concerns about effects up the food chain."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/03/2025

Some In Seafood Industry See Trump As Friend, But Tariffs Could Raise Prices

"The incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump is likely to bring big changes for one of the oldest sectors of the U.S. economy — seafood — and some in the industry believe the returning president will be more responsive to its needs."

Source: AP, 12/18/2024

"How Trump Could Bring Fish Farms To The Gulf Of Mexico"

"Floating cages with fish by the thousands may be popping in the Gulf of Mexico under a controversial plan that was backed by President-elect Donald Trump’s administration four years ago and is likely to gain traction again after Trump begins his second term next month."

Source: Grist, 12/13/2024

To Save Dying Swamp, Louisiana Aims To Restore Mississippi River Flow

"Louisiana has long relied on a vast levee system to rein in the Mississippi River and protect surrounding communities from flooding. But cutting off the natural flow of the river with man made barriers has been slowly killing one of the nation’s largest forested wetlands."

Source: AP, 12/05/2024


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