Environmental Politics

"Trump ‘Turns Back Clock’ By Luring Drilling Companies To Pristine Lands"

"The Trump administration has offered oil companies a chunk of the American west and the Gulf of Mexico that’s four times the size of California – an expansive drilling plan that threatens to entrench the industry at the expense of other outdoor jobs, while locking in enough emissions to undermine global climate policy."

Source: Guardian, 02/13/2020

"Virginia Lawmakers Pass Major Renewable Energy Legislation"

"The Virginia House and Senate passed sweeping energy legislation Tuesday that would overhaul how Virginia’s utilities generate electricity and, supporters say, move the state from the back of the pack to the forefront of renewable energy policy in the United States."

Source: AP, 02/13/2020

"How a Trillion Trees Triumphed Over Trump’s Climate Denialism"

"People warned Marc Benioff, the billionaire chief executive of Salesforce, not to bother talking to the White House about global warming. But Mr. Benioff, a tech mogul and environmental philanthropist, felt sure he had found a climate change solution that even President Trump could love: Planting trees."

Source: NY Times, 02/12/2020


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