Environmental Politics

Virginia Lawmakers Vote To Block Offshore Drilling In Rebuke To Trump

"Virginia Democratic-led lawmakers on Tuesday passed a bill to block future oil and gas development off the state’s coastline, reflecting opposition to the Republican Trump administration’s efforts to open Atlantic waters to fossil fuel exploration."

Source: Reuters, 02/05/2020

Bureau of Land Management May Exempt Plans From Environmental Review

"The Bureau of Land Management may stop studying how its long-term blueprints for millions of acres of public lands would affect the environment, according to a document shared with Bloomberg Environment."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/05/2020

‘Last Days of the Mighty Mekong’ and ‘Dead in the Water’

The Mekong River is a lifeline for millions and a biodiversity hotspot. But massive hydropower projects have put the Southeast Asian body of water, as well as the lives of the people and natural world around it, in serious jeopardy. In the latest BookShelf, writer Melody Kemp, who lives alongside the legendary river, reviews two volumes that help explain what’s killing the Mekong.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Trump’s Border Wall Faces Environmental Challenge at High Court"

"Environmental groups are calling on the Supreme Court to review the legality of the Trump administration’s decision to exempt various border wall projects from environmental laws."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/03/2020

How Corporations Use Deceptive "Mercenary Science" To Evade Regulation

In public discourse about our supposed post-truth society, most op-eds fixate on the way that social media can create separate reality bubbles. Few focus on what David Michaels, Obama's Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), calls "mercenary science" — science-for-hire, contracted out by chemical and pharmaceutical companies to prove that their harmful products aren't harmful by giving them the quantitative imprimatur of STEM knowledge."

Source: Salon, 02/03/2020

"Host UK 'Does Not Have Clear Vision' For Last-Ditch Climate Talks"

"Developing countries and climate campaigners are growing increasingly concerned that the UK lacks a clear strategy for hosting vital UN talks on the climate crisis, amid fears of a conflict of interest in government between seeking post-Brexit trade deals and a global climate settlement."

Source: Guardian, 02/03/2020


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