Environmental Politics

"Climate: Republicans Take Heat From The 'Retro' Crowd"

"Top Republicans are taking heat from all sides after rolling out the first part of their legislative plan to reduce carbon emissions, demonstrating the kind of hiccups the GOP faces as it attempts to develop climate policy after years of silence coupled with science skepticism."

Source: E&E Daily, 02/14/2020

"Green Group Sues Trump Over Major Environmental Rollback"

"An environmental group is trying to block one of President Trump’s most far-reaching environmental rollbacks from taking effect, arguing the administration has not provided proper access to public documents on a new rule that would limit the scope of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)."

Source: The Hill, 02/14/2020

"Trump’s Path to Weaker Fuel Efficiency Rules May Lead to a Dead End"

"Last April, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Andrew Wheeler, proclaimed at an auto show ... that he would soon roll back President Barack Obama’s stringent fuel efficiency standards. ... Nearly a year later, the rollback is nowhere near complete and may not be ready until this summer — if ever."

Source: NY Times, 02/14/2020

"Trump ‘Turns Back Clock’ By Luring Drilling Companies To Pristine Lands"

"The Trump administration has offered oil companies a chunk of the American west and the Gulf of Mexico that’s four times the size of California – an expansive drilling plan that threatens to entrench the industry at the expense of other outdoor jobs, while locking in enough emissions to undermine global climate policy."

Source: Guardian, 02/13/2020

"Virginia Lawmakers Pass Major Renewable Energy Legislation"

"The Virginia House and Senate passed sweeping energy legislation Tuesday that would overhaul how Virginia’s utilities generate electricity and, supporters say, move the state from the back of the pack to the forefront of renewable energy policy in the United States."

Source: AP, 02/13/2020


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