Environmental Politics

April 26, 2021

SEJ Webinar: The U.S. Climate Summit — What Comes Next?

This #SEJ2021 webinar will provide an overview of the flurry of federal climate change activity since Biden took office. Hear from leaders in business, environmental justice and the climate youth movement on what comes next, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.


Despite Clashes, U.S. And China Vow To Work Together On Climate Change

"The United States and China vowed late Saturday to work together in coming months to combat climate change “with the seriousness and urgency that it demands,” a move that signaled a rare collaboration even as they clash over trade frictions, China’s harsh treatment of Uyghurs and a crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong."

Source: Washington Post, 04/19/2021

U.S. Seeks To Polish Tarnished Reputation With New Climate Pledges

"The United States hopes to restore its shattered credibility when it hosts a climate change summit next week by pledging to cut its greenhouse emissions by at least half and securing agreements from allies for faster reductions, according to two sources familiar with the matter."

Source: Reuters, 04/16/2021

"Epic Drought Means Water Crisis On Oregon-California Border"

"Hundreds of farmers who rely on a massive irrigation project that spans the Oregon-California border learned Wednesday they will get a tiny fraction of the water they need amid the worst drought in decades, as federal regulators attempt to balance the needs of agriculture against federally threatened and endangered fish species that are central to the heritage of several tribes."

Source: AP, 04/15/2021

"Big Companies Line Up to Crush Green Transparency Resolutions"

"With the annual proxy season about to kick off, corporate executives are encountering increasing investor scrutiny about their environmental policies. But rather than support green initiatives or even compromise with shareholders, some of the world’s biggest companies instead plan to crush efforts to slow the climate catastrophe."

Source: Bloomberg Green, 04/15/2021

Biden Picks Energy Lawyer Tommy Beaudreau As Interior’s No. 2 Official

"President Biden announced Wednesday that he will nominate Tommy Beaudreau to be deputy secretary of the Interior Department, ending a standoff between the White House and senators from fossil-fuel-rich states who derailed the president’s first choice."

Source: Washington Post, 04/15/2021


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