Environmental Politics

Flexibility in the Face of the Unexpected

When a Chicago-based freelancer was just about to hit the road to report a three-part story and TV segment on the potential impacts of two proposed copper mines in the Great Lakes basin, there was a little hitch: The COVID-19 pandemic hit. The new FEJ StoryLog has the story of how Lorraine Boissoneault found the flexibility to complete her grant-supported project.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Driven by Industry, More States Pass Tough Laws vs. Pipeline Protesters

"Bills to increase penalties for “impeding” the operations of a pipeline or power plant—in many cases elevating the offense to a felony—are pending in at least five states and have been enacted in 15 others."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/13/2021

Big Oil Fed State Educators Stats Used to Push Back on Biden Climate Goals

"For years, Big Oil has cozied up to American public schools—and now they seem to be cashing in their chips. New emails appear to show that some elected officials in charge of public schools may have been helped in attacking the Biden administration’s recent decision to pause oil and gas leasing on federal land by powerful oil industry lobbying groups."

Source: Earther, 04/13/2021

Trump Officials Celebrated Efforts To Change CDC Reports On Coronavirus

"Trump appointees in the Department of Health and Human Services last year privately touted their efforts to block or alter scientists’ reports on the coronavirus to more closely align with President Donald Trump’s more optimistic messages about the outbreak, according to newly released documents from congressional investigators."

Source: Washington Post, 04/12/2021

"U.S. Won’t Shut Dakota Access Pipe Amid New Environmental Review"

"The Dakota Access pipeline that’s been at the center of a years-long battle between oil companies and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe won’t be forced to shut down while federal regulators conduct a new environmental analysis."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/12/2021


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