Environmental Politics

Environmental Justice Beat Gets Boost From New Database

The Biden administration, which has been making environmental justice a top goal, has released a new screening tool that complements existing environmental equity databases, but with especially strong attention to a range of categories like clean transit, clean water, housing issues, life expectancy and more (although, interestingly, not race). The latest Reporter’s Toolbox has a guide to the new screening tool.

SEJ Publication Types: 

A Report Card on Transparency in the Biden Administration

A coalition of open-government and journalism groups is pressing the Justice Department for a clear statement of federal policy favoring openness. The new WatchDog opinion column explains why such a move is needed, and now, not just to signal a change from the Trump-era approach, but also for smoother functioning of the all-important Freedom of Information Act.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Analysis: Big Oil's Plastic Boom Threatens U.N.'s Pollution Pact

"When the United Nations agreed a landmark deal to create the world's first ever global plastic pollution treaty this week, every party was quick to claim a victory, from industry lobbyists to environmental activists. That could spell trouble."

Source: Reuters, 03/04/2022

"Lawmakers Push to Ban Russian Oil Imports, Amid White House Resistance"

"Republicans and Democrats in Congress are pushing President Biden to ban Russian energy imports as they search for new ways to punish Moscow for its bloody invasion of Ukraine, even as the White House resists the idea, which it argues would drive up the price of gasoline and other energy costs for Americans."

Source: NYTimes, 03/04/2022

"Biden Push of Trump Nuke Waste Plan Irks Tribe, Washington State"

"The Biden administration’s backing of a Trump-era move to expedite cleanup of the country’s biggest nuclear waste site has run into staunch opposition from Washington state and tribal officials."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/02/2022


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