Environmental Politics

"Largest Federal Utility Chooses Gas, Undermining Biden’s Climate Goals"

"The nation’s largest federally owned utility plans to invest more than $3.5 billion in new gas-burning electric plants, despite President Biden’s commitment to swiftly move away from fossil fuels and eliminate greenhouse gases from the power sector in a little more than a decade."

Source: NYTimes, 03/18/2022

"Texas And Other States Want To Punish Fossil Fuel Divestment"

"Ivan Frishberg says his job is just smart financial policy. He's chief sustainability officer at New York-based Amalgamated Bank, which focuses on socially responsible investment. That includes steering investments away from things like fossil fuels that contribute to global warming."

Source: NPR, 03/17/2022

"UN Gathering Gears Up For Push To Save Planet’s Biodiversity"

"Nearly all the world’s countries kicked off a U.N.-backed meeting Monday aimed at preventing the loss of biodiversity — seen as critical to avoiding the extinction of many vulnerable species, the emergence of pathogens like the coronavirus, and the damage to both lives and livelihoods of people around the world, Indigenous peoples in particular."

Source: AP, 03/15/2022


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