Environmental Politics

"US Cruise Ships Using Canada as a 'Toilet Bowl' for Polluted Waste"

"Lax Canadian regulations create ‘perverse incentive’ for US cruise ships en route to Alaska to discharge toxic mix of chemicals and wastewater off British Columbia, report says".

Source: Guardian, 07/12/2022

Australian Prime Minister Pledges 'New Era' of Climate Action Under Labor

"Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has promised a “new era” of climate action and energy innovation under his center-left Labor government, despite criticism from activists and Greens Party lawmakers who say that his planned cuts to emissions don’t go far enough."

Source: Bloomberg, 07/12/2022

Reporting Ocean Stories Is Key to Blue Literacy, Planetary Health

As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists publishing project focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at ocean-based solutions. In this special tipsheet, ocean scientist and science writer Juli Berwald offers a primer on the climate-related challenges and possibilities in the global ocean’s physics, chemistry and biology. Plus, check out an expanded toolbox with reporting resources and watch a recent SEJ webinar.

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"Biden Admin Signals Support for Controversial Alaska Oil Project"

"The Biden administration took a key step toward approving a huge oil drilling project in the North Slope of Alaska, angering environmental activists who said allowing it to go forward would make a mockery of President Biden’s climate-change promise to end new oil leases."

Source: NYTimes, 07/11/2022

Beat Reporter Looks to Get Ahead of the Story

As Brazil’s wetlands burned and as the country illegally shipped wood from the Amazon and scaled back environmental enforcement amid the pandemic, award-winning journalist Jake Spring of Reuters was there, telling tough, sometimes dangerous stories. Spring shares insights into his “just the facts” reporting, including the surprises and the lessons, and offers some practical advice in this Inside Story Q&A.

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