Environmental Politics

Amid Heat Waves, Data on Heat Deaths Deadly Serious

Heat waves, heat domes … heat deaths. The reality of climate change means a grim uptick in fatalities, more so from excess heat than any other kind of extreme weather event. Reporter’s Toolbox points to useful data sources for covering the crisis, with insights on how to go behind the numbers to find the stories of those most vulnerable to heat’s effects.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"U.S. Monkeypox Response Mirrors Early Coronavirus Missteps, Experts Say"

"Public health experts, including within the Biden administration, are increasingly concerned that the federal government’s handling of the largest-ever U.S. monkeypox outbreak is mirroring its cumbersome response to the coronavirus pandemic 2½ years ago, with potentially dire consequences."

Source: Washington Post, 06/24/2022

"Biden’s Inner Circle Debates Future of Offshore Drilling"

"President Biden’s top aides are weighing whether to ban new oil and gas drilling off America’s coasts, a move that would elate climate activists but could leave the administration vulnerable to Republican accusations that it is exacerbating an energy crunch as gas prices soar."

Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2022

Enviros, Property Owners Sue To Block $2.5-Billion Dam In Santa Clara Co.

"As California endures water restrictions due to widespread drought, a proposed $2.5-billion reservoir expansion project in Santa Clara County promises to increase the amount of freshwater for more than a million people."

Source: LA Times, 06/23/2022


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