Environmental Politics

"Scientists Join Forces in a Hostile Climate"

"In the face of  probes by a state attorney general, hints of  hostile congressional hearings and assaults from  critics in the blogosphere, hundreds of members of the American Geophysical Union are forming a rapid-response team aiming to challenge disinformation and misinformation deployed in the policy wars over global warming."

Source: Dot Earth, 11/08/2010

Lawyer Who Helped Write Texas Env. Laws Now Helps Industry Skirt Them

"As a young state attorney in the early days of environmental regulation, [Pamela Giblin] built up the laws that regulate pollution of the state's water and air. Today, age 64 and still raven-haired and self-effacing, she is the senior attorney for some of the state's largest polluters — dedicated, some would say, to finding cracks in those same laws."

Source: Austin American-Statesman, 11/08/2010

Money for Scientific Research May Be Scarce With a GOP-Led House

"Federal financing of science research, which has risen quickly since the Obama administration came to power, could fall back to pre-Obama levels if the incoming Republican leadership in the House of Representatives follows through on its list of campaign promises."

Source: NYTimes, 11/05/2010


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