Environmental Politics

Coal Ash Raises Environmental Justice Issues in Rural Maryland

"The winding Mataponi Creek looks clear in the sunlight, with marsh grasses lining its banks. But some of the coal ash waste from a nearby power plant is also coursing through its waters, and residents are worried it is contaminating their well water."

Source: Wash Post, 11/22/2010

"Fracking Wells Blamed for Polluted Water; Inspectors Overwhelmed"

"A widespread method of extracting natural gas by shooting chemical-laced water underground is a growing threat to water supplies in 28 states, say scientists, landowners and environmentalists." A Scripps Howard investigation finds overwhelmed state inspectors, thousands of violations, regulators paid by drilling royalties, political campaigns flush with gas money, and a system stacked for drillers and against public health.

Source: Scripps Howard, 11/19/2010

Canada's Tory Senate Overturns Opposition Bill on Climate Change

"Federal Conservative senators have defeated a private-member's bill on climate change that was passed by the majority of MPs in the House of Commons, marking the first time Prime Minister Stephen Harper has used the clout he has built in the Upper Chamber to kill a law his minority government does not support."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 11/18/2010

"Spill Commission Defends Its Top Lawyer"

"The panel named by President Obama to investigate the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout on Tuesday rejected a call by a consumer activist group for the resignation of its chief counsel, Fred H. Bartlit Jr. The group, Consumer Watchdog, said that the panel should dismiss Mr. Bartlit because his law firm, Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott, once represented Halliburton, one of the companies involved in drilling the BP well."

Source: Green (NYT), 11/17/2010


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