Environmental Justice

"Thunberg, Indigenous Protesters Block Norway Energy Ministry Over Wind Farms"

"Environmental campaigner Greta Thunberg and dozens of other activists on Monday blocked entrances to Norway's energy ministry, protesting against wind turbines built on land traditionally used by indigenous Sami reindeer herders."

Source: Reuters, 02/27/2023
March 8, 2024

DEADLINE: Wake Forest Mellon Environmental Justice Journalism Fellowships

The Wake Forest University Environmental and Epistemic Justice Initiative, June 24-28, 2024 in Winston-Salem, N.C., will welcome 4-6 early to mid-career journalists (staff or freelance) as the inaugural class of Wake Forest Mellon Environmental Justice Journalism Fellows. Stipend and expenses included. Deadline: Mar 8.


"Biden E.P.A. Reinstates Mercury Limits Weakened Under Trump"

"The Biden administration on Friday restored the legal foundation of an Obama-era regulation governing mercury, a pollutant from power plants that can damage brain development in babies and cause heart disease in adults."

Source: NYTimes, 02/20/2023


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