Environmental Health

"Allegations Arise Of Threats Made By Top Fort Bliss Command"

"Some soldiers and their families have had to live in deplorable conditions at Fort Bliss, dealing with black mold, lead paint and asbestos affecting the health of them and their children. Now there are allegations of threats and intimidation by top commanders if soldiers and their families spoke out about the problems."

Source: KFOX-TV, 04/15/2010

Senate Trio's Climate Bill Said To Hide Info on Fracking Poisons

A March 23, 2010, Greenwire article reports that the draft Kerry-Lieberman-Graham climate bill may include language to keep potentially toxic ingredients from gas drilling secret from the public whose health may be harmed by them.

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GAO Report Scolds EPA on Toxic Threats to Kids

"During the past decade, the Environmental Protection Agency's commitment to keeping children safe from toxic chemicals has lapsed, and top officials routinely ignored scores of recommendations by the agency's own children's health advisory committee, according to a report released Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office."

Source: USA TODAY, 03/18/2010

Drop in Male Births in Indigenous Peoples Tied To Industrial Pollution

A dramatic decline in male births among indigenous American peoples -- both in the Arctic and elsewhere -- has been linked to toxic industrial pollution. "Toxic pollutants travel from industrialized countries and accumulate in the marine food chain of the Arctic region, and in the traditional diet of indigenous peoples."

Source: Indian Country Today, 03/15/2010


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