Environmental Health

Dioxins Report Released; EPA Says Low Doses Risky But Most People Safe

"After 21 years of wrangling over health threats, uncertain science and industry pressure, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday released its assessment of dioxins defining how toxic they are. Lauded by environmental activists and criticized by industry, the report concluded that there are potentially serious effects at ultra-low levels of exposure."

Source: EHN, 02/20/2012

"The Fracking Industry Buys Congress"

The damage that the natural gas production method known as hydrofracturing ("fracking") can do to water wells and streams is hard to document because of a federal law prohibiting disclosure of chemicals drilling companies inject underground. There are almost no federal regulations protecting the public from fracking pollution. "Why? The answer is money. The oil and gas industry has reaped billions in profits from fracking. And since 1990, they've pumped $238.7 million into gubernatorial and Congressional election campaigns to persuade lawmakers that fracking is safe, which has effectively blocked federal regulation."

Source: ENS, 02/17/2012
June 20, 2012 to June 22, 2012

Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

The Conference will focus on two themes: a green economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and the institutional framework for sustainable development.

March 13, 2012

Poisons in the Press: Deciding for Yourself What's 'Safe' (in San Francisco)

When the news media report on contamination in the air, drinking water or food supply, the public understandably demands to know straight away, “Is it safe?” A distinguished panel of toxicologists and environmental journalists will discuss why the question defies straightforward answers, what’s keeping the public in the dark, and how citizens can make informed decisions on toxic risks in the absence of certainty.


"EPA Oversight: Weighing the Parts, Ignoring the Whole"

"Each year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gives the green light for a score of agricultural chemicals to come to market. But the chemicals the EPA registers for use have little connection with the frequently more toxic substances sold by the millions of pounds to unsuspecting American consumers."

Source: 100Reporters, 02/16/2012

"Monterey County Supervisors Urge Governor To Re-Examine Fumigant"

"With dozens of area farm workers looking on -- many wearing headphones to hear a Spanish translation of the proceedings -- the Monterey County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday urged Gov. Jerry Brown to take another look at a controversial, highly toxic agricultural fumigant."

Source: Salinas Californian, 02/16/2012

"Hearts and Air Pollution: Five Deadly Air Pollutants on 5 Continents"

"Around the world, breathing a variety of air pollutants – in some cases for a single day – increases the chance that people will suffer heart attacks, according to a new analysis published Tuesday. For the first time, scientists analyzed previous studies from five continents to verify and quantify the links between air pollution and heart health. They found that short-term exposure – less than seven days – to all major air pollutants except ozone was associated with an increase in heart attacks.

Source: EHN, 02/15/2012


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