Environmental Health

"Texas Weakens Chemical Exposure Guidelines, Opens Door for Polluters"

"AUSTIN — In 2007, Texas regulators quietly relaxed the state’s long-term air pollution guideline for benzene, one of the world’s most toxic and thoroughly studied chemicals. The number they came up with, still in effect, was 40 percent weaker, or less health-protective, than the old one."

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 12/19/2014

"After 14 years, NIH Cancels National Children’s Study"

"Its magnitude was ambitious and unprecedented: The National Children’s Study promised to follow 100,000 American children from before birth to the age of 21. Researchers sought a better understanding of autism, obesity and cancer by tracking links between children’s environments and their health outcomes. Since 2007, Congress has appropriated about $1.3 billion to fund planning and research; millions went to four research centers in the St. Louis region alone."

Source: St. Louis Public Radio, 12/17/2014

Remembering the Genius Who Got BPA Out of Your Water Bottles, And More

Theo Colborn, who pioneered research on endocrine-disrupting chemicals, has died at age 87.

"It was the late 1970s and Theo Colborn was, like pretty much everyone else in the ’70s, getting divorced. She was in her 50s and already retired from a career as a pharmacist.

Source: Grist, 12/16/2014


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