Energy & Fuel

EPA Says Louisiana Regulation Of Air Pollution May Violate Civil Rights

"The state Departments of Environmental Quality and Health may be violating federal civil rights laws and regulations by allowing Black people to suffer disproportionate impacts from air pollution in Louisiana's industrial corridor, including an increased risk of cancer, the federal Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday."

Source:, 10/14/2022

CSB Explosion Probe Says EPA Should Scrutinize Deadly Hydroflouric Acid

"The Chemical Safety Board says refineries need to strengthen safeguards surrounding the use of hydroflouric acid, and the EPA should take steps to improve oversight. The recommendations are part of a final report on the investigation into the June 2019 explosion and fire at Philadelphia Energy Solutions in southwest Philadelphia."

Source: State Impact Pennsylvania, 10/12/2022

"'Steam Loops' Under Many Cities Could Be A Climate Change Solution"

"Across North America, hundreds of downtowns, college campuses and hospitals are heated by steam carried through networks of underground pipes. Electric companies installed many of these "steam loops" or district energy systems more than 100 years ago in older East Coast cities like New York, Boston, and Philadelphia."

Source: NPR, 10/11/2022

Fossil Fuels Registry Promises Global Warming Data. Does It Deliver?

A new global fossil fuels registry sounds like a breakthrough for covering climate change and energy stories. But Reporter’s Toolbox inspected it and found potentially problematic data sourcing and accuracy. That doesn’t mean that it won’t be useful as one of several tools to help report the beat. Here’s how to make the most of fossil fuel data sources.

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COP 27 Egypt — From Afar, How UN Meeting Will Affect Climate Change Reporting

How will the UN’s yearly climate treaty talks in Egypt next month touch domestic U.S. reporting? The latest Backgrounder has an outlook, with close attention to the question of compensation for nations suffering the worst impacts of global warming, plus the politics of war and energy, methane and HFCs. The prospects for action in and after Egypt.

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Newsom Calls Special Session To Consider Windfall Tax On Oil Companies

"Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday he would call a special session of the Legislature to consider a windfall profit tax on oil companies in response to the “outrageous and unconscionable” price of gas in California."

Source: Politico, 10/10/2022


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