Climate Change

Clearing the Smoke — Collaboration Exposes Impacts of Wildfire Pollution-Reporting Rules

Climate change is fueling the frequency and severity of wildfires, but a little-known Clean Air Act rule lets environmental agencies downplay the impacts of wildfire smoke. A collaborative investigation into this loophole connected dots that even the experts didn’t know about. Journalists Dillon Bergin and Molly Peterson explain their reporting process and offer advice for following your own local leads.

SEJ Publication Types: 
February 5, 2024

DEADLINE: Solutions Journalism Network's Climate Cohort

This year, Solutions Journalism Network is offering 20 fellowships to U.S.-based journalists who want to produce climate solutions stories that shift the climate conversation from unsolvable and apocalyptic to actionable and engaging. The program will run March through November 2024. Apply by Feb 5.


"As Leaders Fly To Davos, How Do Private Jets Fuel Climate Change?"

"From popstar Taylor Swift's jetsetting on tour to billionaire Elon Musk's fleet of planes, the use of private jets by the rich and famous has drawn increasing criticism as concern grows over air travel's role in global warming."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 01/12/2024

Biden Offers Firms Millions To Break Russia's HALEU Uranium Monopoly

"The Biden administration showed up to last month’s global climate summit in Dubai with a radical new plan to replace coal and compete again with Russia and China over a technology American scientists pioneered."

Source: HuffPost, 01/12/2024

Cummins To Repair 600,000 Ram Trucks In $2 Billion Emissions Cheating Case

"Engine maker Cummins Inc. will recall 600,000 Ram trucks as part of a settlement with federal and California authorities that also requires the company to remedy environmental damage caused by illegal software that let it skirt diesel emissions tests."

Source: AP, 01/12/2024


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