"A Special Snow Satellite is Headed for Orbit"
"New space mission will reveal global snowpack data"
"New space mission will reveal global snowpack data"
"The swollen, churning, unrelenting river that's flooding towns from Minnesota to Louisiana this month is not Mark Twain's Mississippi River."
"New York has adopted a rule to eventually kill off its last two coal-fired power plants."
"Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s 2020 rivals and a group of progressive environmental organizations are attacking him as being weak on climate change, a sign of the central role global warming is shaping up to play as an issue in the Democratic primary."
"Chris Ray has been tracking pikas in Montana for 30 years. Rising temperatures and dwindling snowpack appear to be taking a toll on the tiny mountain dwellers."
"Three nonprofit organizations will use a network of satellites and artificial intelligence to track carbon emissions from every power plant in the world under a $1.7 million project announced by Google.org. yesterday."
"Britain has gone a week without using coal to generate electricity for the first time since Queen Victoria was on the throne, in a landmark moment in the transition away from the heavily polluting fuel."
"The League of Conservation Voters is dedicating $2 million to a new effort to boost the importance of climate change policies in the 2020 presidential campaign."