Climate Change

Only 2 Of 20 Dem Presidenial Candidates Have A Climate Change Plan

"Of the nearly two dozen Democrats running for president, only two campaigns have so far laid out deadlines for transforming American life to slash the pollution that is warming the planet’s climate." They are Washington governor Jay Inslee and Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke.

Source: Guardian, 05/08/2019

"U.S. Sinks Arctic Accord Due To Climate Change Differences: Diplomats"

"The United States has refused to sign an agreement on challenges in the Arctic due to discrepancies over climate change wording, diplomats said on Tuesday, jeopardising cooperation in the polar region at the sharp edge of global warming."

Source: Reuters, 05/08/2019

Politics Putting Down Stakes Over Oil, Gas Leasing on Federal Lands

The leasing of public lands to drill for oil and gas may seem a labyrinthine topic. But it could be time to get wonky and, ahem, drill down on it, as the politics of 2020 bring the controversial practice to the fore. The latest Backgrounder helps get you up to speed on the story.

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State of the Air Report Spotlights Persistent Pollution Problems

Happen to have any air breathers in your audience? Then the latest State of the Air Report will give you fodder to cover the persistent pollution problems that plague the skies. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory on the fight against air pollution and five smart ways to tell the story from a local-regional context.

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