Climate Change

Tractor Protests Threaten To Drive EU’s Green Farming Policies Into Ditch

"It was the puddles of green sludge left by the tires of massive tractors in western Belgium’s industrial farmlands that drew the attention of biological engineer Ineke Maes. The slime was destructive algae, the result of the excess of chemicals used by farmers to boost their crops, but at a high cost to nature."

Source: AP, 02/27/2024

Shell Launches A ‘Climate Tech’ Startup Advertising Jobs In Oil And Gas

"A sleek new startup promising to ‘advance the energy transition’ launched earlier this month promising to “[connect] thousands of innovators across the globe to tackle difficult energy and climate challenges”. "Onward touts a vision of a ‘clean energy future’, but experts say ventures like this are part of fossil fuel firms’ greenwashing plan".

Source: Guardian/Drilled, 02/27/2024

Why Parking, Long Term, Presents a Lot of Problems

A new book makes the case that U.S. cities have had their environments, their housing and their businesses warped by parking policies. BookShelf contributor Jennifer Weeks, who shares her own parking-related frustrations, explores the arguments made in “Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World,” and also takes a look at what the author sees as “parking-light” solutions.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Rain Comes to the Arctic, With a Cascade of Troubling Changes"

"Rain used to be rare in the Arctic, but as the region warms, so-called rain-on-snow events are becoming more common. The rains accelerate ice loss, trigger flooding, landslides, and avalanches, and create problems for wildlife and the Indigenous people who depend on them."

Source: YaleE360, 02/26/2024
March 20, 2024

SWCC Workshop: "To Build a Better Future, We Must First Imagine It."

Join queer science communicator and climate optimist Ive Velikova in this Science Writers & Communicators of Canada workshop exploring how to leverage the power of storytelling to motivate climate action in your community, drawing from storytelling traditions and speculative fiction genres. 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET.



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