Climate Change

"Cop28 Host UAE’s Approach Is ‘Dangerous’, Says UN’S Ex-Climate Chief"

"The United Arab Emirates’ approach to the Cop28 climate summit it will preside over in November is “very dangerous” and a “direct threat to the survival of vulnerable nations”, according to the UN’s former climate chief."

Source: Guardian, 05/17/2023

"Biden Administration Approves Key Permit for West Virginia Gas Pipeline"

"The Biden administration has granted a crucial permit for the Mountain Valley Pipeline, a project championed by Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, despite opposition from climate experts and environmental groups."

Source: NYTimes, 05/17/2023

Ads Claiming Products Are Carbon Neutral By Using Offsetting Face UK Ban

"Adverts that claim products are carbon neutral using offsets are to be banned by the UK’s advertising watchdog unless companies can prove they really work, the Guardian can reveal, as Gucci becomes the latest company to struggle with a high-profile environmental commitment based on offsetting."

Source: Guardian, 05/16/2023

"Wind Is Main Source of UK Electricity for First Time"

"Wind turbines have generated more electricity than gas for the first time in the UK.

In the first three months of this year a third of the country's electricity came from wind farms, research from Imperial College London has shown.

National Grid has also confirmed that April saw a record period of solar energy generation.

By 2035 the UK aims for all of its electricity to have net zero emissions."

Esme Stallard reports for BBC News May 12, 2023.

Source: BBC News, 05/16/2023

When Extreme Weather Amplifies Hazardous Waste Threats

Toxic waste is bad enough when it’s in one spot. But it can be even more dangerous when it is made mobile by climate-induced natural disasters. The latest TipSheet looks at just a few of the problems that can arise — or have already arisen. Plus, story ideas and reporting resources to cover this issue in your locale.

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Tilling the Storytelling Fields on the Food, Ag and Environment Beat

In his more than a decade at the helm of the Food & Environment Reporting Network, Samuel Fromartz was instrumental in shaping a new way of covering food, agriculture and environmental issues. As he prepares to turn over the top editor’s job to his successor, Fromartz talks about FERN’s innovative business model and the power of narrative.

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Biden Pledged To Stop Funding Fossil Fuels Overseas. ExIm Bank Does Anyway

"In 2021, the Biden administration told federal agencies to stop funding many new fossil fuel projects abroad..... But now, leaders of America's Export-Import Bank have decided to lend nearly $100 million for the expansion of an oil refinery in Indonesia."

Source: NPR, 05/15/2023


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