Climate Change

April 13, 2011

American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut: The Next Landmark Supreme Court Climate Case

On April 19 the Supreme Court will hear arguments to decide whether states and private parties can sue power companies under federal common law for contributing to global warming and compel them to cap CO2 emissions. This panel, hosted by Environmental Law Institute, will discuss and debate the major issues at play and the likely outcome of the case.

April 12, 2011 to April 14, 2011

Johns Hopkins Workshop to Examine Climate Change and Public Health

Johns Hopkins University researchers are gathering in Baltimore for the first workshop of an ambitious program to study and address the impacts of climate change on human activity.

Topics on the Beat: 

Senate Rejects Limits on EPA's Greenhouse Gas Authority; House Vote Soon

On a 50-50 vote, the Senate Wednesday night rejected an effort to strip EPA of its legal authority to regulate greenhouse gases, as well as several weaker alternatives. The efforts were supported by Republicans and some coal-state Democrats. The House may act on similar legislation today.

Source: NY Times, 04/07/2011

White House Promises Veto of 'Koch Brothers Appreciation Act'

"In case there was any doubt, the White House on Tuesday issued a formal statement opposing a bill now before the House that would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases for the purpose of combating climate change." The House could pass it as soon as Wednesday, April 6.

Source: Green (NYT), 04/06/2011
April 15, 2011

Green Business Forum at the Green Living Show

Join us as leading businesses and NGOs discuss the environmental impacts of Canada’s resource-based economy at The Green Living Show’s Business Forum in Toronto, Ontario. Gain a better understanding of the key economic and environmental issues from key players who outline their challenges and accomplishments as they seek common ground on goals that often compete — profit and the planet.



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