Planning & Growth

October 3, 2022 to October 5, 2022

Pacific Ecological Security Conference

This first-ever conference, co-hosted by the East-West Center in Koror, Palau, will explore a coordinated region-wide response against invasive species that threaten ecosystem sustainability, food security, quality of life and climate resilience across the Pacific Islands.

September 28, 2022

SEJ Webinar: Covering Climate Solutions — Indigenous Communities and Nature-Based Approaches

SEJ's Sep 28, 2022 webinar was a discussion on how Indigenous peoples practiced "sustainable management" efforts long before modern society began talking about conservation, environmental protection or climate change and how their voices can greatly enrich environmental reporting — while enhancing the health of both people and ecosystems. Missed it? Watch the recording.

September 30, 2022

DEADLINE: World Science Forum 2022 Media for Social Justice Fellowships

"Science-interested" journalists anywhere in the world are invited to apply for an expenses-paid fellowship to attend this year's forum in Cape Town, South Africa, Dec 3-10, with flight reimbursement taking place on-site at WSF2022. Apply by Sep 30.


"As Wildfires Grow, Millions of Homes Are Being Built in Harm’s Way"

"Across the Western United States, wildfires are growing larger and more severe as global warming intensifies. At the same time, new data shows, more Americans than ever are moving to parts of the country more likely to burn, raising the odds of catastrophe."

Source: NYTimes, 09/12/2022

Keeping Up With Victims Displaced by Climate Disasters

Disasters driven by climate change can leave a lot of people needing help or being displaced long term. But a key safety net and a central federal aid agency often accomplish little to help climate refugees, reports the latest TipSheet. Get the backstory, plus the outlook, along with questions and resources for stories in your community in the wake of climate disasters.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Fireproofing Your Home Isn't Very Expensive, But Few States Require It

"Increasingly destructive wildfires have consumed tens of thousands of homes over the past decade, but few states have codes that require houses be built with fire-resistant materials. Now, a new study shows that enhancing a new home's wildfire resistance adds minimal cost to an overall construction project."

Source: NPR, 08/01/2022
August 5, 2022

DEADLINE: Thomas Lovejoy Memorial Press Fellowship

This new United Nations Foundation fellowship will bring selected reporters to the Amazon's longest-running biodiversity research project to examine the effects of climate change firsthand. Journalists from all countries are welcome to apply by Aug 5. Includes transportation, lodging and most meals.


#SEJSpotlight: Leah Mahan, Independent Documentary Filmmaker

#SEJSpotlight graphic for Leah Mahan


Meet SEJ member Leah Mahan! Leah is an independent documentary filmmaker whose work has been nominated by the Directors Guild of America for Outstanding Directorial Achievement. She is also a nonfiction producer, writer, storytelling consultant and teacher.



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