Economy & Business

Nevada Restores Retail-Rate Net Metering in Sierra Pacific Territory

"The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) has voted to restore favorable rates for residential solar customers in NV Energy’s Sierra Pacific Power Company’s service territory -- exactly one year after the commission passed a controversial fee increase that brought the state’s residential solar market to a halt."

Source: Greentech Media, 12/30/2016

Green Energy Can Increasingly Match Or Beat Fossil Fuel Prices: Report

"Businesses might not find bargains by turning to fossil fuels in 2017, according to a new report. Solar and wind power costs have dropped, bearing price tags that are the same as or cheaper than fossil fuels in more than 30 nations as of the end of this year, according to a World Economic Forum (WEF) report published last week."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 12/30/2016

Finding the Stories Beneath the Snow and Ice

Drought, flooding, water pollution, road conditions, shipping, climate change, even recreational activities like skiing, skating and ice-fishing — these are all potential stories around the white stuff, some with big environmental consequences. This week's TipSheet offers resources for local coverage of ice and snow.

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Battle Looms Between Trump, Economists Over True Cost Of Climate Change

"It seems increasingly likely that the Trump administration would either alter, or attempt to stop using entirely, an Obama-era metric known as the 'social cost of carbon' in its federal rule-making processes. And that could have have major effects on the way environmental policies are written (or unwritten) in the coming years."

Source: Wash Post, 12/23/2016

"Study Tied to Food Industry Tries to Discredit Sugar Guidelines"

"A prominent medical journal on Monday published a scathing attack on global health advice to eat less sugar. Warnings to cut sugar, the study argued, are based on weak evidence and cannot be trusted. But the review, published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, quickly elicited sharp criticism from public health experts because the authors have ties to the food and sugar industries."

Source: NY Times, 12/21/2016

What Challenges Face Enviro Journalism Teaching?

A look at major challenges encountered by teachers of environmental journalism found many: Fluctuating support from administrations and students, advocacy concerns, balancing technology and storytelling, and addressing dim career prospects. Insights — and solutions — from the new EJ Academy column.

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